How to behave abroad? - Customs from all over the world

írta Anett Schäffer, 2015. május 21–énMegosztás: FACEBOOKMegosztás: TWITTERMegosztás: GOOGLE+


In the summer many people travel abroad for a summer holiday or to work for a few weeks. But before we travel to another country, we do not only need to pack our luggage, but we also need to be prepared to have a mind-opening experience, to meet with a different culture with different traditions and rules of behavior.

How to behave abroad? - Customs from all over the world

We collected some customs from all over the world to show how colourful our world is, one thing which is acceptable or considered good manners in a country, can seem to be very disrespectful in another one.


While it is totally normal to sprinkle salt, pepper or sugar on your meal in many countries, it is considered to be rude in Egypt because it means that you do not like the taste of the food.


Venezuela is a place for the late-comers, because in this country it is usual to come to a party or a dinner 15 minutes late, and those who arrive in time get strange looks.


In China the use of chopsticks alone can be very difficult for European people, but you do not only need to learn how to move the chopsticks, but also the manners of the use of the chopstick. You should not stab your chopsticks into something, play or point with them, and if you eat from a shared plate, serve yourself with the opposite end of the chopsticks, not the one you are eating with, alternatively you could use another pair of chopsticks.


While it would seem odd in many countries, if you visit someone in Brazil, he or she will offer you a shower, not because you are smelly, but because it counts as good manner in the country where the weather is always warm. Brazilian people like to freshen up after hot sunny days and that is what they offer to their visitors, too.


Squillo is an Italian habit which means that people call each other, but only for a few seconds without giving the chance to pick up the phone. It can seem to be incidental, but it is not, it is a custom to tell someone that you think of him or her, and to tell information which is obvious from the context. It can mean that the caller is late, he/she is coming or that he/she misses you depending on the situation. So if your Italian friend calls you, but your phone rings only for a second, you do not need to call him or her back.

Although getting to know more about a country before you travel there is a really useful thing, but in my opinion, it is not a problem if you do not know all the manners of a country, you should only be open and interested in getting to know another culture, and try to adapt to the world around you.


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