Swimming through Miskolc - The Baths of Miskolc

írta Schäffer Anett , 2015. július 25–énMegosztás: FACEBOOKMegosztás: TWITTERMegosztás: GOOGLE+


When the temperature reaches 30 or 35 degrees, everybody dreams about swimming in the cool water, and the conversations are more and more centred around lakes and beaches. But if you are stuck in the city in the heat with no hope of a holiday at the seaside, you can still enjoy yourself splashing about in the water, just try one of these baths of Miskolc.

Swimming through Miskolc - The Baths of Miskolc

The Bath of Selyemrét (Selyemréti Strandfürdő)

This bath originally opened in 1927, and the architect was an Olympic champion, Alfréd Hajós who got the gold medal for swimming at the Athens Games in 1896. In the last few years, the bath was developed to be able to adapt to the new regulations and to the needs of the visitors, and in the summer of 2013 a whole new the Bath of Selyemrét opened its gates. There is a swimming pool, a recreational pool, a sitting pool, a children’s bath, an educational and PE pool, moreover a pool with slides (family, kamikaze and anaconda slides), which can give you a bit of adrenalin to spice up your relaxation time. If you are looking for a wellness experience, you can also try the sauna, the massaging water jets or aquafitness. A student ticket is 1500 HUF/day.

The Cave Bath of Miskolctapolca (Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdő)

Many visitors travel to Miskolctapolca primarily because of the so called Cave Bath, in which the visitors can bathe in a fascinating cave full of water which is about 30 °C warm. The warm-water spring of Miskolctapolca has been used for bathing and treating illnesses since as early as the 16th century, and in 1959 the first pool inside the cave was opened, since then many people has come here to try the unique experience of swimming in a cave. Now there are many outdoor and indoor pools. You can also try many special saunas in the sauna park, or you can enjoy having a massage, wellness and aquatherapy treatments. But probably still the best moment in going to the cave bath  is when you look to the stars in the special part of the cave which is painted to look like the sky on a clear summer night. A student ticket is 2100 HUF/4 hours or 2600 HUF/day.

The Bath of Miskolctapolca (Miskolctapolcai Strand)

Initially, the bath was opened in 1923 as the first open-air bath of Miskolctapolca, and after eighty years, in 2004, the bath was closed. Ten years were needed till the revival of the bath, and now the visitors can swim in Miskolctapolca in the only bath of Europe which was built according to the Green City requirements.  Next to the swimming pool and the family pool, there are wellness pools, saunas, and if you are thriving for some outside the water experience, you can make an appointment for a massage or strengthen your body in the gym. A ticket for the swimming pool, family pool and for the wellness pools is 2200 HUF/day, but a student ticket only for the swimming pool and the family pool is 1400 HUF/day.


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